Products for Environmental and Technology Development

About Us

LIBROS System was founded in 1997, by agricultural engineer Marcos A. Santos. The initial activities included the provision of services for the implementation of Geographical Information Systems, Consultancies in Geoprocessing and Data Systems Cataloguing.

Since 2000, LIBROS System expanded its activities, with the increase of the technical body and professional training. Also began to work in the environmental area, developing projects in partnership with foundations, private companies, education and research institutes and public administration sector.

The company constantly seeks the improvement and innovation, keeping the discussion groups that meet regularly in order to monitor the progress of technologies and treatment methods for environmental issues and related activities.

With its activities’ progress and experience gain, since 2004 LIBROS System has been proposing technological innovation projects to satisfy the needs of forest corridors, frontiers, pipelines, gas pipelines, water bodies and occasional events mapping in order to help the monitoring, supervision and decision-maker process through the creation of its own terristrial dynamic mapping techniques.

The resultant experience of the technological innovation process have been leading the team technique, since 2007, to advance in technological projects development for biofuels sector, but always considering the conservation and environmental protection knowledge as the activities’ anchor.

These knowledge, currently, are necessary and very important to the development of any sector, BE IT: agricultural, industrial, commercial or governmental, mainly due to climate change by which the planet comes through.

What we offer

LIBROS System offers to its customers the workforce of a multidisciplinary team that has experience, technical and intellectual capacity to the projects development for environmental and technological scope, through the provision of consultancy, advice, surveys and data processing required for implementation of projects related to environmental planning and natural resources use.

In addition, the company is able to carry out activities of technical assessment for the industrial, urban and agricultural activities expansion, always focusing the environmental impacts whose cause were the involved process and its unfoldings throughout the project.


The consultants in this list work together or separately, depending of the project characteristics will be treat. Each professional previously authorized the submission of the name on the web.

Consultant Profession / Expertise
Andrea Ferraz Young Architecture / Environment
Celso Ribeiro de Freitas Jr Sanitarian Engenner
Genival Souza Santana Air videographer
Guilherme Theodoro N. P. Lima Oceanographer
Itaci de Jesus Piton Librarianship
Marcos Antonio dos Santos Agricultural Engenner
Marcos Antonio dos Santos Reigota Environmental Educator
Maria Amelia J. Piton Microbiology
Sueli Aparecida Thomaziello Geographer/Environmental Planning
Vivian C. dos Santos Hackbart Biology
